Feng Shui Eyes Opened
Dear Terah,
You have impacted my life in a HUGE positive way! I have led what I consider a blessed life, but I truly feel like I am finally on the right path to genuine happiness. It may sound silly to some but I know you will totally get it! In fact I am crying while I am writing this because it is so powerful and I AM NOT A CRIER!
If you have a moment, I wanted to share with you some MAJOR revelations that I had when returning home. I know that sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.
After I came home I wanted so badly to leave again because I was so overwhelmed by my environment. I have so much STUFF and I asked “what’s it all for????” We come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing. Why do we get so attached to all the STUFF in between this time?
I had a great relationship with my mother up until this weekend. She has not been able to sell her house and decided to rent it and had to move out right away. She temporarily moved in days after I arrived home from CA and brought some of her stuff and for some reason it was very overwhelming for me. I was caught off guard by the way I was feeling about it. She did not have a lot, but that addition to my already OVER ABUNDANT home was making me physically ill. The proverbially straw broke when she wanted me to store and/or display some 1800’s brown jars that apparently belonged to my great great grandparents. I told her they had no meaning for me so I did not want them. She said they were worth a lot of money, so I told her to sell them. That is when my Mom “blew up” and said I had no sentimentality. In hindsight, I now take that as a compliment because I do not want to be attached to STUFF anymore. As long as my family and I are HEALTHY & HAPPY, that is all I ultimately need! She said she was leaving even though I told her she did not have to. I am sure you gathered that there is a lot more background to her story and of course…yes, her up bringing was dysfunction junction. I realize that my Mom needs to find her own way and I cannot fix things for her even though I wish I could. I just don’t want to be responsible for making things worse.
I am trying to live by the acronym NUL and I relate it to “null and void”…IF I don’t NEED it, USE it, or LOVE it, then it needs to make its way back into the universe. My HUGE REVELATION is that STUFF and my insatiable needing of a lot of STUFF has been such an unconscious burden for me for so long and I finally realized that I cannot let it burden me and my immediate family any longer. I have never taken drugs but I now relate it to being my drug of choice and I have finally kicked the habit! What a weight to have been lifted…FINALLY!
I wanted to share this with you because I attribute my revelation to finding Feng Shui through your books and the awesome week at WSFS. You have made it all so easy to understand & implement and I am so grateful. I have been telling people that I feel as though I had checked into Clutter Re-hab for a week. I now have the proper thought processes in place. I know it is going to be a lot of “physical” work getting things the way I want them and releasing all the stuff…sentimental and otherwise. I feel most of the “mental” work is on the right track I just need to keep it there. My Dad past away about 4 1/2 years ago and I no longer feel that I need to keep all the Knick Knacky KRAP that was sent my way by my Stepmom. My Dad did not care about this stuff so why should I? For that matter, even if he did…they are not my Dad..it is just STUFFFFFFFFF!!!!! This is a huge step for me!
I relate a lot of the way I am feeling as to your story of your 1st marriage and how it needed to end and Feng Shui was the catalyst in coming to that realization. I like how you explain how some may view this as negative, but it really was supposed to happen this way and your “Feng Shui Eyes” were opened. I am sure it was not a picnic going through it but the final outcome was for the best. I so love that story, it is so true to real life. Please let me know if this is a common occurrence amongst us “Feng Shui Folks”. Although things are a bit rough at the moment I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am so grateful for the lessons.
We are only on this planet for a short time so why not enjoy every possible moment! I have a hard time journaling, so this will be my form of journaling, “thanks for listening”. Also, thank you for your wonderful guidance and I am so looking forward to getting together at the end of December. I know I will have so many great things to share and I can’t wait to hear about what you have been up to!
Much Love and Gratitude!
I can so relate to the declutter with family and the result of my feng shui consultant training. I personally find that westerners have a real need to keep things because there is no value in their personal lives. They look for value in things and when they do not find it. Feng Shui is a really good way to show real value in the important things in life.