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Linda Kay Marchena at the Gathering Together

Linda Kay Marchena: Transformational Symbols – Tarot for Feng Shui Practitioners
Linda has over 45 years experience in Metaphysics, as well as appearances on both radio and television. Starting at age 3 when her grandmother taught her how to use the Ouija Board, she has spent years studying spiritual paths including Kabbalah, Catholicism, A Course in Miracles, Paganism, Science of Mind and various Eastern Philosophies including Feng Shui. She has taught and lectured on Psychic development and Tarot for 20 years.

Tarot communicates it messages through a language of symbols. These symbols and images can connect with the subconscious, creative, emotional and intuitive parts of our brains. Linda will teach us how to connect with this symbolic language, so that the Tarot becomes a transformational tool in our personal and professional lives. As environmental healers, Tarot can provide invaluable information about the energies of a building, a person, an object or an animal. Tarot can also help to locate trouble spots, answer questions about the changes that need to be made, and pre-view and post-view the energies before and after your consultations. 

Join us as we are
Gathering Together –
Celebrating our Love of Nature, the Cosmos, and Each Other
Carlsbad, CA
October 10-13, 2008