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Feng Shui for Home Sales from HGTV

HGTV’s FrontDoor.com Real Estate Offers the Top 10 Unique Selling Tactics to Lure Potential Buyers

Last update: 10:05 a.m. EDT Aug. 12, 2008

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Aug 12, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Say goodbye to the days when baking a batch of cookies and putting out fresh flowers before an open house would be enough to sell your home. In today’s market, it takes more than that to attract buyers, and frustrated home sellers are resorting to some unusual methods to get their homes noticed. From clever to downright bizarre, FrontDoor.com – HGTV’s new award-winning real estate site – shares its top ten favorite unusual home selling tactics. ( http://www.frontdoor.com/top10)
1. Hold an open house party. Open houses are the norm when selling a home, but some sellers are upping the ante on the open house by offering wine, catered food, live music and prizes. A fancy shindig could start a buzz on your property and make your home memorable.
2. Take home staging to the extreme. It’s well known that staging your home can help it sell faster, but some sellers are taking staging a step further with an ancient Chinese philosophy. Feng shui stagers rearrange the elements of a home to improve its chi, or energy. Good chi makes potential buyers feel more welcome.

3. Help serious buyers with financing. Many people who want to buy a home can’t qualify for a standard mortgage right now, so sellers are offering a helping hand. Sellers have a few options when it comes to assisting buyers with financing, including offering lease-to-own deals, offering financing themselves, paying for closing costs or paying for points to lower the interest rate.
4. Have a little faith. Burying statues or medals of St. Joseph in the earth is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years. Most recently, home sellers have been burying the patron saint of family and household needs in their yards to help their homes sell faster. Thousands of sellers swear that a little divine intervention helped them get a sale.
5. Throw in some extravagant extras. In the past, a free big-screen TV was enough of an incentive to get your home noticed. Times have changed, and incentives are becoming more and more substantial. Sellers are throwing in all kinds of goodies, like free cars, vacations, pricey home upgrades and monetary incentives like a year’s mortgage or a furniture stipend. One woman in Florida is even offering herself as an incentive – she hopes to marry the man who buys her home.
6. Make your home a grand prize. After conventional methods fall short, some sellers are holding raffles and essay contests and giving their homes to the winners. This method is sure to draw attention, but beware: home lotteries are illegal in many states, so find out your state’s regulations.
7. Get Web savvy. If the traditional method of selling your home through a real estate agent doesn’t appeal to you, you may find an alternative process on the Web. Some sellers are auctioning off their homes on eBay, while others are swapping properties through sites like Pad4Pad.com and DomuSwap.com.
8. Let your house do the talking. After taking the traditional route of putting a For Sale sign in your front yard and placing an ad in the newspaper, try some hi-tech advertising. Some sellers and agents are using the Talking House radio transmitter, which allows you to record a customized message about the features of your home. Buyers can tune into a radio station to hear this message as they drive by your house.
9. Put your house on the auction block. Auctions are no longer just for homes that have been foreclosed on. Sellers looking to sell their homes quickly are choosing the auction route. Keep in mind that the total costs of auctioning off a home are often the same or more than the costs of selling a home through an agent.
10. Let buyers sleep on it. For serious potential buyers who are on the fence about buying your home, let them sleep on it, literally. By letting buyers spend the night in your home, you’re allowing them to get the full experience of living there. A trial run could be just what they need to sign on the dotted line. Be sure to consult with your real estate agent or attorney first.
About FrontDoor
FrontDoor.com ( http://www.frontdoor.com) is an online real estate listing service powered by HGTV, the No.1 source for home-related media content. The award-winning site currently offers more than 3 million listings of homes for sale and partners with other leaders in the home shelter category including Realogy Corporation, Prudential Real Estate and Leading Real Estate Companies of the World(TM). In addition to providing users with the latest real estate listings, FrontDoor houses expert HGTV advice and videos along with original Web series and a comprehensive library of engaging, interactive tools, guides and information.

One Comment

  1. I agree entirely with this article. the better energy you have in a home the more likely it is to calm the prospects. Fountains do wonders for creating a stress free home, or at least it’s a start.