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B.J. Gorman at the Gathering Together

B.J. Gorman: The Ch’i of Body and Place
B.J. is a professional Feng Shui consultant, teacher, lecturer and author of The Ch’i of Body of Place who has been assisting homeowners and businesses for over eleven years. She provides confidential Feng Shui consultations and Space Clearing services using her trademark Space Harmony Feng ShuiÔ approach. Our belief system lives in our energetic body and is reflected in our homes and offices. B.J. will discuss the connection between our religious and cultural beliefs, our chakras, and the Bagua Map, and show us how to “read” them in our bodies and environments.

Join us as we are
Gathering Together –
Celebrating our Love of Nature, the Cosmos, and Each Other
Carlsbad, CA
October 10-13, 2008