Q & A – Feng Shui Distance Training
Q: Hello there, As I live in Australia, is it possible to complete the Practitioner training via distance education? It would be terrific if it was!
Many thanks, Gabriele C.
A: Hello Gabriele,
Although we don’t right now have a distance practitioner training course, we are almost ready to release our first feng shui online class segment on the Bagua Map. It will be available to the public within the next couple weeks!!
Within the next year, we are planning to release other online segments as well, and these will culminate into an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Training Certification.
And we’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready!
Liv Kellgren, Programs Director
How exciting Liv!
It seems like some of us will benefit from completing the on-line courses because as they are released, we’ll be able to spend good quality time with each component and by the end of it, still achieve a Practitioner Training Certification!! Yeah! It’ll probably also assist those who completed the Training in a short period of time and now would like to do a refresher.
I look forward to hearing from you when the Bagua Map Class is available.
Thank you for your good work.
YES! And we’ll still offer our Practitioner Training Immersion Program for those who would rather complete the training in a shorter period of time. We’ll be sure to keep you all posted as great opportunities arise for you! Liv