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Green Restaurant is Delicious

From Alumni and recent Graduate Susan Nunn:

My focus will be on restaurant consulting and feng shui for the restaurants (mostly) (we are turning this restaurant totally ‘green’ this fall)…. and all of the foods (right now we are known for having the healthiest foods around) but now we are going no partially hydrogenated oils, nothing bad at all, and I am leaving next week for a week’s cooking class in santa fe with the conscious gourmet and that focus is on no sugar and no dairy, and making our own hotcake flours, etc….

And not only organic but sustainable agricultural practices as well. I am so excited. Also have joined the Green Restaurant Assoc and they have assigned an environmental consultant to guide is up to newer levels…. This can help my personal business as well. Wow. Blessings, and I hope this finds you all well and happy.
