Abundance instead of Money
I know that attracting wealth is a big best-selling notion these days, but honestly I don’t think it is where WSFS should be focusing its energy.
It’s an American sickness to think that MONEY is where it’s at; MONEY will bring you happiness.
Abundance is everywhere around us if we would but open our eyes to fully experience what we already have. Happiness is available in the present moment to all of us whether or not we are rich. Sure, it would be nice to have more money, but the experience of love, compassion, connection and equanimity is what the soul longs for – money is an unsatisfying red herring.
My understanding of the principles of feng shui and of the Tao tell me that WSFS is here for a higher purpose…
Dear Joy,
You are right on!! Thanks for your feedback. We have been participating in promoting new authors at Hay House, and will be even MORE discerning in the future.
Love & Blessings Always,
The ‘spirit’ of self-improvement, aka self-development, implores us to recognize that we succeed ‘in spirit’ to achieve goals which may reap multiple benefits. When a person is struggling, the individual cries for help and sees the lowest, simplest, most basic things needed; think of Maslow’s hierarchy. BEYOND people who seek to break free of negative cycles – something which feng shui addresses by asking us to focus on only keeping and using things which are positive to us – we realize some people may seek ‘money’ instead of ‘prosperity’ as an almost greedy overzealousness for instant gratification. That is indeed a misplaced notion. But again, when people look to feng shui and seek it, feng shui provides a road to balance. So … in some ways … a rose is a rose by any other name. Using feng shui to heal has multiple benefits; and, if it is applied well, those benefits may include the opportunity to rethink and relearn what is special and what offers us gratification.
I couldn’t agree more with Joy! So often people think of money first as the primary goal of abundant living. Abundance means something different for every person. Children, friends, life-partner, health, or satisfying employment may also be significant abundance goals. Naturally, sufficient funds to pay one’s bills would be important. However, if the lifestyle is one of excess, a focus on increasing wealth may be looking at the wrong side of the equation.
I see prosperity and abundance as having enough of good money, food, friends, a good career that has a positive impact and good health and wisdom