Eco-Touring on Magdelena Bay, II
Terah’s Journal from the tented camp on Magdelena Bay, Mexico — February 14th 2008
It is our final trip out to see the whales. We join 4 boats and 2 whales in a love-fest. The whales are making contact! Soon, 6 whales and 7 boats are interacting, the whales languidly move from boat to boat for kisses and pets from the humans.
They “spyhop” from the depths of their world and look into our eyes, leaving us scorched with the desire to connect with them. I am insatiable. I would gladly fall into the sea and disappear forever to be with them. I realize everyone on the boat feels exactly the same way…
The slow rise of their bodies, turning the black sea turquoise, rising closer and closer to our outstretched hands until we can see every detail and touch the villages of barnacles along their backs, the markings and scars, the long long mouth leading to the beautious eyes, the whiskers on the chin like a giant sea-cat, the body impossibly large touching the boat, spraying us with giant water breaths that make us giddy with whale-love…